Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Today is Tuesday

Why, hello there.

Today is Tuesday February the 26th, and I just realized I've been writing the wrong date at the top of all my assignments. But, who cares? Because, in 22 days I'll be on Spring Break! Most of the time, I'm excited to be sleeping, but my family and I are lucky enough to go on vacation this year, and I hate to say so, but I really miss my sister (she's in college) you'd think I would have gotten used to this because she was a freshmen in college last year, but I don't know it's weird. And I kinda miss her sarcasm and mean jokes. I also miss sharing the chores!

Tuesday was very very rainy, also very windy. Sometimes it's nice just to listen to the wind, and not start your homework yet, I know what you're thinking, "What a lazy procrastinator!" But, honestly I really don't consider it procrastinating, I mean it's not like I'm searching for ways to get money or the best travel spots on my computer like my dad. (That's how he spends his free time).

I'm either listening to the cars pass by my street, or sitting in bed, warm and just listening to all the sounds around me. I think next year I'm going to give up my phone, but I will keep my ipod. I am also thinking about letting my mom have my laptop, but since I want to go backpacking, and since I might be taking a semester off to travel, I don't know if that would be a good idea. It's just I'm so tired of being reliant on stuff.

Like when I'm sitting in my bed, listening to sounds (and not really loud ones either), I come up with the best ideas. I've written down really rough drafts for a few screenplays and gotten more ideas for my documentary.

Everything is starting to take shape, which I enjoy because my ideas have been up in the air for who knows how long. Anyways, I should go do something, like write notes for this project that I'm getting a head start on and I really like my partner I know we can get an A. And don't say anything, I'm really not a grade slob. But there is something about seeing someone you know little about , and people talking bad about them, but then you personally seeing them at their best, seeing them being passionate about something that you simply don't care about.

That's why I love geometry now, that's why I'm excited about this project. I don't know I think I'm weird, but maybe that will fit into my film, the title will be very hard to come up with, I've already brainstormed a great idea but I don't know if it will fit yet. Hopefully I'll start my interviews over spring break and then be able to compile them, directors and producers usually hate editing because it's tedious, annoying and it can make or break your piece of work. However I'll be grateful when the time comes that I can say, I was editing this documentary until 2 a.m, I just couldn't get over what ______said at the end. Or realizing the best moments happen when the camera is off, and the lightbulb goes on.

I may not have talked about this but you have to find what you love and always do it,
I know for a fact that even if filmmaking and traveling and surfing and speaking up gets me little cash flow I don't care, I want to be able to do these things for 8 hours a day, being paid is a bonus, but at the end of the day If I'm doing what I love, then I'll never have any regrets, and I think a lot of people need to understand this. No offense to anyone, but if this was true I'm not sure we'd have any high school professors.

I ranted a lot, sorry.

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