Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Today is Tuesday

Why, hello there.

Today is Tuesday February the 26th, and I just realized I've been writing the wrong date at the top of all my assignments. But, who cares? Because, in 22 days I'll be on Spring Break! Most of the time, I'm excited to be sleeping, but my family and I are lucky enough to go on vacation this year, and I hate to say so, but I really miss my sister (she's in college) you'd think I would have gotten used to this because she was a freshmen in college last year, but I don't know it's weird. And I kinda miss her sarcasm and mean jokes. I also miss sharing the chores!

Tuesday was very very rainy, also very windy. Sometimes it's nice just to listen to the wind, and not start your homework yet, I know what you're thinking, "What a lazy procrastinator!" But, honestly I really don't consider it procrastinating, I mean it's not like I'm searching for ways to get money or the best travel spots on my computer like my dad. (That's how he spends his free time).

I'm either listening to the cars pass by my street, or sitting in bed, warm and just listening to all the sounds around me. I think next year I'm going to give up my phone, but I will keep my ipod. I am also thinking about letting my mom have my laptop, but since I want to go backpacking, and since I might be taking a semester off to travel, I don't know if that would be a good idea. It's just I'm so tired of being reliant on stuff.

Like when I'm sitting in my bed, listening to sounds (and not really loud ones either), I come up with the best ideas. I've written down really rough drafts for a few screenplays and gotten more ideas for my documentary.

Everything is starting to take shape, which I enjoy because my ideas have been up in the air for who knows how long. Anyways, I should go do something, like write notes for this project that I'm getting a head start on and I really like my partner I know we can get an A. And don't say anything, I'm really not a grade slob. But there is something about seeing someone you know little about , and people talking bad about them, but then you personally seeing them at their best, seeing them being passionate about something that you simply don't care about.

That's why I love geometry now, that's why I'm excited about this project. I don't know I think I'm weird, but maybe that will fit into my film, the title will be very hard to come up with, I've already brainstormed a great idea but I don't know if it will fit yet. Hopefully I'll start my interviews over spring break and then be able to compile them, directors and producers usually hate editing because it's tedious, annoying and it can make or break your piece of work. However I'll be grateful when the time comes that I can say, I was editing this documentary until 2 a.m, I just couldn't get over what ______said at the end. Or realizing the best moments happen when the camera is off, and the lightbulb goes on.

I may not have talked about this but you have to find what you love and always do it,
I know for a fact that even if filmmaking and traveling and surfing and speaking up gets me little cash flow I don't care, I want to be able to do these things for 8 hours a day, being paid is a bonus, but at the end of the day If I'm doing what I love, then I'll never have any regrets, and I think a lot of people need to understand this. No offense to anyone, but if this was true I'm not sure we'd have any high school professors.

I ranted a lot, sorry.

Sunday, February 24, 2013

The End Has No End.

After School Excursions // Thing to Do before Summer-Summer-Summertime

  1. Go thrift shopping with my friends
  2. Sing in Public 
  3. Write 2 Songs
  4. Get at least 4 interviews (have some meet up's at Starbucks) and a storyboard for my documentary
  5. Go to the sky ferreira concert and the father john misty feat. adam green and binki shapiro concert
  6. After School: go to old town for din din
  7. After School: go long boarding to Baskin Robins
  8. After School: Tie Dye Stuff
  9. Redo my room, with beige paint, white drapes, and repainted thrift furniture
  10. Buy a backpack, hiking boots, and a surfboard (plan 2 months out of every year to go backpacking)
  11. Sell a lot of my crap that  I don't need
  12. get a summer job
  13. Study for finals with my friends: at the library, and at Starbucks
  14. Visit a cool museum
  15. Figure out "What Does Freedom Mean to You?"
  16. Make A video on youtube.
  17. Make a couple vids for Vimeo
  18. Continue posting on here.
  19. Take a picture every day
  20. Do my picture project with diff. landscapes and a hand
Just kidding, because the end has no end.

It's A Party in your Bedroom All Night Long

My disposables finally came in. Note to self, do not let someone shake the camera to try and take more photos, it messes up the film. By the way, these will be posted on my photoblog. Happy Birthday Julia!

Just saying I think food makes everyone happy, especially homemade red velvet cupcakes. YUM!

There's me in the middle, and I was holding water.
My friends  love balloons.

This was the birthday girl, she was so happy and excited and she still talks about it. This will always bring a smile to my face.

This is her "ducky" face.

Friday, February 22, 2013

Obsessed with TED

I have a sick obsession, with TED.

No, TED is not a person, or a movie about a talking teddy bear.
TED or TED talks, are what help me wake up in the morning, what gives me ideas and inspiration, what feeds my vast hunger for knowledge beyond the set in stone high school curriculum. It's like your sitting down low, the lights are on, even if you neck hurts from looking up, or your seat is squeaky, or you have a horrid coughing attack it's alright. You in a room with a bunch of strangers, people you don't know, people who have great ideas, and people who want to open up. I think TED talks should be called "Get Smart in 15 or so minutes!" Because, literally all of them, no matter how monotone the speakers voice was, how distracting it was that they were moving around, or how I might not have heard a word they said because of some thick accent from a country I can't pronounce, they all teach me something. All I want to do is see people breaking the bonds of normality with open minds and open hearts. I want to see people stepping away from troubles, and maybe that means stepping into failure, but the way they rise up from it, is simply magical.
I want to know what freedom tastes like, and I want to live with little possessions to my name.
Why you ask?
Because, in all honesty, who isn't yearning for the next product that the great minds at Apple will think up and create?
Who isn't waiting for the next big thing, I mean how flatter can T.V.'s really get?
Who isn't watching the fashion shows, and worrying about how much they eat, or what they look like to others.
I think you should be worrying about 3 simple things.
1) If you are happy.
2) If you are doing what you love.
3) If you've changed the world, whether massively, or you made the smallest peak in the mountain.

Also, you have to understand nobody is perfect.

Yesterday I was talking to my dad about these popular kids at my school, and how my neighbor (who I used to have lots of fun with) forgets she knows me because they are all her friends. But, no-one is perfect, and I can't blame her for the actions of her friends. Everyone in high school no matter kid or adult is gonna be a coward. Like seriously, everyone. So that kid who bullies your friend, well they were bullied their whole life by their parents. Don't worry about the people who don't care,  but don't hate them either, you've got to let them live their life because you don't know their story. However, thinking about it, I am still upset. But more-so upset with myself, because I could have spoken up, I could've talked to my neighbor, but I avoided it. I could've made friends with people, but I was afraid I wasn't good enough for them.

I can get over this, it will just take time, change doesn't happen in a day.
But three things I'm gonna try in addition to my previous three things are,

1) stop gossiping, or letting gossip happen, either say "I don't wanna talk about this" or bring something else up. But don't ever start it, it will come back around, because it's in the 10 commandments.

2) Tell myself I love myself, in the mirror, every a.m. and night, then for 30 seconds visualize who I want to become, and where I wanna go in 2 years.

3) Watch my top 3 ted talks every night to work toward my goals.

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

You have (waste)d a lot of time!


Amazing personal blog ! http://to-inf-nity.tumblr.com

I'm listening to waste by foster the people
 this particular line from the chorus struck me as I was procrastinating,

"And every day that you wanna waste, 
That you wanna waste, you can
And every day that you wanna wake up
You wanna wake, you can
And every day that you wanna change, 
That you wanna change, yeah
I'll help you see it through
'Cause I just really wanna be with you"

(Foster the People // Waste)

1) not finishing my overload of papers I never did for history
2) not studying for chemistry or doing any chem hw which I don't think we had, but who knows
3) not studying for english, not reading the 8 chapters I'm behind on, and not filling out the sheets and not looking up my 40 something vocab words.

And I have Chemisty Block, and History Block.
and I might just cry, and no study hall.....
BTW, my english project is due due due on Thursday.

 but on the bright side.....

i. I'm ordering my cameras and lenses so I can start my documentary.
ii. I'm finally getting a penny board.
iii. I think I'm going to paint this with my friend.
iv. I'm going to wake up at 5am to run.
v. I'm supposed to go ice skating but I don't feel like going anymore and would rather
plan a surprise birthday for my best friend Elijah.
vi. We have this awesome school tournament on thursday.
vii. I'm getting my disposables, possibly by thursday!

sorry for this rant,
it was needed for me to calm the heck down.


Monday, February 18, 2013

Some Songs


Photo30_8 by Nurbanu D on Flickr.
I've been listening to some great tunes lately, so I thought I'd share.

California Sunrise // Dirty Gold
Lanterns // Birds of Tokyo 
One Day // Sharon Van Etten
I Found You // Alabama Shakes
A Beautiful Morning // The Rascals
Miles Away // Years Around the Sun
John Brown // Heron
Someday // The Strokes
Flowers in Your Hair // The Lumineers
Heart it Races // Dr. Dog
It's Nice to Be Alive // Ball Park Music
We Only Go Backwards // Tame Impala
Busman's Holiday // Allah-Las
Four Provinces // The Walkmen

I have a strange taste in music, and I don't put labels on it.
Enjoy the songs, even if you don't know them or don't think you'll like them, they're all pretty decent.

It's been too long

Hi, everyone!

february printable calendar download

Wow, I started this blog around Thanksgiving with hopes that it would be successful documentation for me about my life. But, I've been slacking. Not only with this, but lately with homework as well. You see, I wasn't sure of having a future where I currently go to school right now, and I was going to switch schools, meaning junior year and senior year would be crazy. I found this awesome program, and out of high expectations thought I could convince my parents to let me go for a semester in junior year and one in senior year as well, and then even to graduate early and work as a volunteer in the Peace Corps. Yeah, I guess I didn't realize those expectations were a bit too high.

Now I still might be able to convince my parents to let me go during the Junior or Senior year however hard it may be with the workload I'll be getting I want to give it a shot.

This summer will be great and I can already feel it, but to stay in the present.
I'd like to post my goals.

i. Take more pictures.
ii. Get outdoors.
iii. Sing in the Spring Showcase.
iv. Visit a coffee shop with my friends.
v. Read more books.
vi. Make Heads List.
vii. Get up earlier, and go to bed earlier.
ix. Try something new. (surfing!!!)
x. Limit time spent on the computer, but make time for my blog at the same time.
xi. Embrace failure!
xii. Respond positively to things you don't like, don't wanna do, or things that are hard.
xiii. Send a letter to Wes Anderson.
xiv. Spend more time doing things I love, even if that means, "me" time.
xv. Run more!

So that is a pretty long list of goals and I don't expect to have all of them "completed" because change is a lengthly process, that no one wants to go through, especially not me, but I know it's needed. I hope you all are having a great Monday, but tonight brings me to the end of my great 4-day weekend and back into the long haul of homework for a high school sophomore, ha-ha.

I'll end with another quote

The benefits of the accomplished journey cannot be weighed in terms of perfect moments, but in terms of how this journey affects and changes our character. -Ella Maillart