Tuesday, March 12, 2013

The number 13 is pretty unlucky

Tomorrow is the 13th of March, not that I believe in superstition, and it's not even Friday, but today was kinda unlucky and very awkward in some cases. However, with all of that aside, since I really don't like Wednesday's, I listened to a select few of my recently most listened to songs, that includes. . .

The Only Place // Best Coast
Is This It // The Strokes
Forever // The Explorer's Club
Go Outside // The Cults
Our Deal // Best Coast
When Did Your Heart Go Missing? // Rooney
Sad Dream // Sky Ferreira

Anyways, there are only eight more day until Spring Break!!
I really should be getting to bed now, but I have to do my English homework, and drink tea, and then I will try to get to bed around 9:30. (p.s. that rhymes!)

But today's moral of the story, is talking verses doing.
I watched this video by ShayCarl, who made Shaytards, and who lost 100 pounds with his other channel Shayloss. Anyways I feel very motivated when I listen to him even though I'm not trying to lose weight. He just said some really deep stuff that my dad has been trying to get me to realize. I felt like he was talking to me, and however weird that may seem, it worked.

I don't know who, when, what, where, why, or how, but I will move toward change, in however many small steps it takes.

Hope you're having a great week, especially if you're on Spring Break already! (lucky!)
But, I feel like I get really happy around Spring, not only because of the weather, but because of the end of the school year, and the prospect of Summer!

I'm super duper excited for summer!!!! (I will be posting as much as I can)

Until then,

p.s. If your day wasn't so great, watch the video! What harm can eleven minutes do? Also cheer up! Because there is always darkness before the dawn!

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