Wednesday, March 6, 2013

One Day

One day, at 5 a.m., on Wednesday, your dad will come in your room to tell you it's a snow day.
One day, you might finish the project before the deadline.
One day, you'll tell him, the guy you've been crushing on since you were eight, that you love him.
One day, she'll see you for the person you are, not the person she wants you to be.
One day, he'll pass away, will you have made his last hours memorable?
One day, you won't wake up from the dream, it will be real life.
One day, you'll realize it's time to stop taking everything so personally.
One day, there won't be a tomorrow.
One day, your cant's will become cans.

One day is just a tomorrow away.
So try not to waste a day,
because maybe everything you needed to say
will be said.


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