Wednesday, March 13, 2013

It's never too late

I feel like my titles to my blogpost's are deeper than what I ramble about.

origin of photo

Well, on that note, my title actually does relate to my posts. So today's topic is, it's never to late to make a goal for yourself, whether healthy or on your death bed.
I've been watching a lot of inspirational videos and listening to some pretty intense music, and just chats with my parents and peers. And they leave me at home, in my room, stuck in the moment, that I analyze too much, and I could die tomorrow and I just need to chill out. I think some pretty big inspirations are God, my friends and family, Nardwaur, Al Smith, and Henry Rollins.

Well that being said, March is almost over, and like in the picture, my trail is ahead of me, it's just a matter of me choosing the right path. Or even just choosing a path, and making the most out of it.


(by the way, you may call this copying, but I was really interested by some of my favorite bloggers use of roman numerals!!!!)

i. Make the Healthiest choice (for the body and the mind)
ii. Study more, and study harder!
iii. Practice Running every day. (even the smallest steps count)
iv. Write and Essay about something I wanna try and although it will be hard it's what I wanna do.
v. Start more conversations instead of ending them.

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

The number 13 is pretty unlucky

Tomorrow is the 13th of March, not that I believe in superstition, and it's not even Friday, but today was kinda unlucky and very awkward in some cases. However, with all of that aside, since I really don't like Wednesday's, I listened to a select few of my recently most listened to songs, that includes. . .

The Only Place // Best Coast
Is This It // The Strokes
Forever // The Explorer's Club
Go Outside // The Cults
Our Deal // Best Coast
When Did Your Heart Go Missing? // Rooney
Sad Dream // Sky Ferreira

Anyways, there are only eight more day until Spring Break!!
I really should be getting to bed now, but I have to do my English homework, and drink tea, and then I will try to get to bed around 9:30. (p.s. that rhymes!)

But today's moral of the story, is talking verses doing.
I watched this video by ShayCarl, who made Shaytards, and who lost 100 pounds with his other channel Shayloss. Anyways I feel very motivated when I listen to him even though I'm not trying to lose weight. He just said some really deep stuff that my dad has been trying to get me to realize. I felt like he was talking to me, and however weird that may seem, it worked.

I don't know who, when, what, where, why, or how, but I will move toward change, in however many small steps it takes.

Hope you're having a great week, especially if you're on Spring Break already! (lucky!)
But, I feel like I get really happy around Spring, not only because of the weather, but because of the end of the school year, and the prospect of Summer!

I'm super duper excited for summer!!!! (I will be posting as much as I can)

Until then,

p.s. If your day wasn't so great, watch the video! What harm can eleven minutes do? Also cheer up! Because there is always darkness before the dawn!

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

One Day

One day, at 5 a.m., on Wednesday, your dad will come in your room to tell you it's a snow day.
One day, you might finish the project before the deadline.
One day, you'll tell him, the guy you've been crushing on since you were eight, that you love him.
One day, she'll see you for the person you are, not the person she wants you to be.
One day, he'll pass away, will you have made his last hours memorable?
One day, you won't wake up from the dream, it will be real life.
One day, you'll realize it's time to stop taking everything so personally.
One day, there won't be a tomorrow.
One day, your cant's will become cans.

One day is just a tomorrow away.
So try not to waste a day,
because maybe everything you needed to say
will be said.


Friday, March 1, 2013


Okay, first off, do not judge me when I announce this. Secondly, if you have any ideas for me feel free to share.

So Summer Break starts after the first week of June. 3 months. And my challenge for myself which I know will be excruciatingly painful the first month, and hopefully much more inspirational in the second month, is to unplug.

I want to un-plug, for many reasons, I have goals, and I don't want technology holding me back.
Now, what is my definition of technology?
It Includes....
-Cell Phones
-And Lights (now I live in a household with 3 other people so that might be a hard one)

But I am gonna try this for at least 60 days, I'm hoping to even go 90 days.

So here are some ideas, for those of you who are curious, or would like to follow me on this journey, or who would also like to try.

i. writing letters.
ii. getting into good sleeping habits so you wake up naturally at an early time
iii. keeping a journal to document
iv. visiting museums, and exhibits that are usually overlooked.
v. diverting your attention from digital, and using a film camera (this may be controversial, but I will be using film, and I won't develop it until the days are over, or my parents will develop it for me and I won't go with them, also taking a picture isn't exactly electrical)
vi. Calling people with a phone connected to your house, this is also controversial, but my parents like me to talk to my family over the phone even though I could send letters, also, I'm debating whether or not even using phones, because if I want to go someplace with my friends, my parents will have to be involved which is okay.
vii. Riding your bike, skateboarding, etc. (trying out different forms of environmentally friendly transportation)
viii. Painting, Chalk Murals, Drawing, Clay, Ceramics Classes, Bowling, Rock Climbing, Hiking, all fun activities with my friends where I won't have to be using my phone or computer or watching a movie or T.V. (I mean simply visiting the park nearest your neighborhood is great!)
viv. washing my clothes in the bathtub, and hanging them out to dry.
vv. Playing games, like scrabble, apples to apples, uno, card games, puzzles, sudoku, and other mind games that can be done without using A T.V. or a COMPUTER!!!
vvi. Exercising more, taking a yoga class, going to zumba with my mom.
vvii. Also apart of this I won't be buying anything new, so that means I could spend time thrifting (because it's not NEW clothing) and also it's recycling, and supporting your community all at the same time!

These are just some of my ideas, in addition I will be taking NAVY SHOWERS, and be trying to go on walks with my mom and dad in the evening.

And since I'm getting a typewriter soon, I will be writing an essay about this experience and how it changed or didn't change me.
Who knows what the future will hold to be honest, and I'm working a documentary and a couple of camps this year and I know I will be plenty busy so I may only be able to do this for one month, but however long I hope it will teach me something about myself, and maybe afterwards I'll even stop using certain things.

P.S. If you're like me and you need music to live, buy a ukulele or guitar or start playing that old piano in your basement, or even play your parents old records on a dusty turntable. Also use this time, if you're like me and in school, to finish your summer work, and still have time to read books that you've been waiting 9 long months, of 8 hours of a day, 5 days a week, to finally read.

I hope you guys sympathize with me and not think I'm too crazy, because I'm really not!

 - Casey

A Decent Start to March

February, however hard it may be to spell, and however short it is, it's over.
And I'm mostly happy because I know I'm not gonna waste the next 4 months, and I know I'm not gonna regret what I do this summer.


Two of the TED talks, I found a week ago, really spoke to me. Who knew getting a macbook would lead to this?

However one is called, "Sell you crap. Pay your debt. Do what you love." the other is "The method - By Failure, Fun, and Fire."

And to summarize, to sum it up these TED talks were about ripping up the life script everyone the world writes for you, also about social conformity, and learning from what may seem like the end of your world.

A lot of the times, people,  mainly teenagers, blow things way out of proportion, and it's not until later we realized how embarrassed  or ashamed we are of doing that.

For example I had a really bad Thursday night, was thinking about "pretending" to be sick, or taking a "mental health day," as my chemistry teacher calls it. ha-ha!! And like usual I made the excuse I'm depressed and I will kill my self, which is extreme, and I feel guilty for saying anything like that, but especially today in Math class, when our quiz was over, and by the way I really liked my group because one of my best friends was in it, but then again, we were talking about this college William and Mary, and my sister attended that college last year, but she left. Anyways, how they are the #2 college with the highest suicide rate.
I mean,
a) I didn't even know they made statistics about that?!?!
b) There was a kid in my sister's freshmen class, a guy, who killed himself, and they played "Yesterday" by the Beatles at the service.

It just made me think, wow, people really have these issues, and my best friend, that was in my group said, that's why my mom told me, "You need to know yourself before entering a situation."

Which is absolutely true, I mean I need to know myself, and know what I love and do it, to remain sane, make good friends, and have a good life. It is a key to enjoying your life.

Just like the quote in the pictures says, there is something beautiful on the horizon, whichever way you take this quote.

Personally, it means that don't hold a grudsge, or constantly get angry, because the sun when go up and then it will go down, and the horizon is freaking infitinte it's a never ending line, but you can't let stupid things in your life divert your attention and emotions for too long, because there is something beautiful on the horizon.

So if your day was bad, I'm sorry, but sometimes, the hardest storms, clear out to the brightest most illuminating rainbows.

Have a Great March!

- Casey