Thursday, April 4, 2013

Being Present?

It's been a while, hasn't it?

I've been putting off blogging and spending time developing what I will focus on next in my life.
But that's just the thing, the next, the future, the upcoming. We are all waiting for it. Maybe in hopes that it will be better than right now or better than before. Or maybe just because it inspires us, the unknown I mean, takes us to a place better or more intriguing than where we are right now.

Sometimes people make quotes that say ,  "Live for the Future!" or "Tomorrow will be better." and "Dream for a better tomorrow." While all of these mantras help people shape their lives, including my life, I don't think anyone should live by them.

I was reading a chapter from, "Don't Stress the Small Stuff,"  and when the author said "Be Present," I was so annoyed, quote after quote had told me to live in the past and live for the future, but the truth is neither of these places should be your dwelling. Why this, right now, is where you should be!

Considering those terms, next time you are somewhere, don't go on your phone, don't talk to one person by just saying hi, really reach out and ask, "How are you today?" And in those quiet moments, discover the people around you, for me it's at school, the dreamer looking out the window, the future lawyer debating a wild class discussion, the history buff professing their passion, making it hard not to want to feel passionate as well!

I will be taking a break from blogspot, facebook, and tumblr. I'm asking my dad to change all my passwords, and the only place I will be checking is my email. I need time off, to be present, I need time to take some photos, some film, go for runs, talk to old friends, and find myself again. Someone told me that disconnecting is the best way to do that. Also, I need to focus on maintaining good grades, which are slowly slipping away from me.

So Farewell to anyone who reads this,
I will be back,

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