Thursday, November 22, 2012


Well I guess I can't start this without a  formal introduction. My name is Casey, or Kacey, or Kacie, or K.C., or however I feel like spelling it on any given day.
Here's a picture of me from around 2 years ago, before I knew everything but me was about to change.
I'm the happy one in the orange shirt, but I don't think happy could even begin to explain how I was feeling; confused, tired, anxious, and sad.  Like I said everything was changing, I was in 8th grade about to turn fourteen, and people and situations were changing. I'd been going to the same school (pre-school-8th grade) for almost 11 years, it was September and I wasn't ready to leave, or make decisions or grow up, I just wanted to be silly, and happy go lucky all the time, which really meant pretending to be someone I'm not to get the attention I desperately needed.


After reflecting on this time with a few of my friends, I'd like to say that right now I have an idea of what I want to do and where I want to go. And who knows what kind of change was needed; change in people? change in enviroment? change in family?

What changed?

Just being honest, a lot if not all of those things changed. And I'd like to say for the better, but I'm not even sure if that begins to explain everything. My point is, that there I was living life, my opinions were heard, I had friends, and I was very much so happy, and then things went downhill because I let them, and because you can only tell so many lies before you begin to forget the person you've created from yourself. Now I know that not only do I need to change, but I need to find what I love, find my passion, and create beautiful things to share with the world.

So if that wasn't introduction enough, I'm Casey, I'm trying to change into a better me--or just discover that person who has been lost for so long. High school is out of my league and I'm ready to just start living life, but that comes with consequences, and I know I will miss high school if I don't cherish it so I have to learn to love it. I will be posting pretty often, (pictures, music, art) interests and loves for things I can share with you all. I really hope you learn something from me just as I will end up learning something from you.

I am a tad bit obsessed with tumblr so you can find me here!

I will end with this quote by Seth Godin,
"If it scares you, it might be a good thing to try."

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